Cerebral Palsy sports Jharkhand

1st Cp State Games (for all disabilities) were organized at JamshedpurJharkhand from 10th to july 2022
Approximately 50athletes with special needs from twelve districts of Jharkhand participated in these games.
Approximately 20 official, volunteers, resource persons were present to conduct the games.

cerebral palsy sports federation of india chapter jharkhand

Athletic Champoinship-2022 

Unfurling of Cp Flag by Chief Guest.

Followed by “Torch Run” by participating athletes.
Football / Unified Football was conducted at football grounds of the.

Football events were organized by Mr.K Gopal Rao. , Sports Director Cpf Jharkhand

Blind Cricket Association Vice President Mr Vivek Kumar Singh And Cp Sports President Mister Rajesh Tomar

Our Vision
“A just and humane society in which all persons, including the marginalized, enjoy enhanced and enriched
quality of life.”Sports Development Cerebral Palsy Sports Work to integrate in to the Mainstream of Society.
Our Mission
“To empower the non-school goers and early school leavers, from among the marginalised and vulnerable
communities, with limited or no access to formal channels of learning, by enhancing their vocational, technical
and livelihood skills, thereby improving the quality of their lives and making them self-reliant’All Category Disabled Children,
Focus groups
Our focus is on youth belonging backward areas and communities especially the school dropout youth
belonging to Dalits, Adivasis, Scheduled Tribes, Fishing community, marginal farmers, religious minorities and the urban poor. We will also give special attention to include at least 50% of the women as trainees and 5 %
shall be the people with disabilities and other most marginalized groups (HIV positive people, young persons
on streets, young persons in conflict with law, Single women, youth living in extremist affected areas, Bonded
laborers, Trafficked young persons, Child laborers, Commercial sex workers, Trans Gender ).
1. Human dignity
2. Secularism
3. Equality
4. Integrity
5. Option for the marginalized / excluded
6. Professionalism

Rajeev Kumar Pati Silver Medal City Sports Athletic Shot Put Pahala Kadam School Being
Honored By Principal Anita Aggarwal & Raj Kumar Singh Secretary DMDT/CPSJ

Jharkhand Team football Training Progrma

Football orientation program Committee Level

Jharkhand Team football

Cerebral Palsy Sports Jharkhand Football Team 2022